About American Attorneys
Find out what makes American Attorneys the market leaders and how we can help you to achieve your dreams.
About Us
American Attorneys is the international business name of Velie Law Firm, LLC, an immigration law firm based in the United States and with offices in Canada, the UK, and India.
We have three decades of experience winning visas and green cards for all types, from students to professional sportspeople, entrepreneurs to families, who wish to live, study, or work in the United States. So we are happy to assist with any U.S. immigration issue or question you may have.
Our unique process of supporting visa applications with extensive and thorough legal briefs means we achieve an industry-leading rate of approvals, year on year.
Over the past five years, we have built on our more effective process and developed an innovative petition-building platform, powered by the very latest Artificial Intelligence technology, which means we can create winning petitions in less time and without the exorbitant fees of some immigration lawyers.
That's how we were able to achieve a perfect 100% approval rate for the challenging H-1B visa category in the most recent 2021 season.
We are delighted to continue to offer free immigration strategy sessions with a qualified attorney to all qualifying individuals, teams, and corporations.
A message from our CEO
Our firm has effectively and efficiently represented corporate clients worldwide for 30 years and brings that experience to assisting international students with F-1 visas. Compared to the average in-country educational consultant, applicants gain the advantage of having a licensed U.S. immigration attorney at every stage of the visa process.
Our goal is to develop lasting relationships with students and their families and aid in the long-term immigration process that is part of studying, living and working in the United States.
Jon Velie
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